In Progress
Hong Kong - Bangkok
From rich to poor

Only 2,5 hours flight separate Hong Kong from Bangkok. But its a whole world in-between. Sir Norman Foster designed the Hong Kong airport: steel, glass, oversize corridors and waiting areas...Bangkoks immigration service looks like a old-fashioned ticket booth for a minor sport-event. Taxi-drivers beat the hell out of their rusty cars, tuk-tuks battle with motorcycles, its all about noise, speed, dirt, jam, traffic...and in-between all this human chaos temples, monks, shrines and sleeping people. They just sleep every where: on a chair, in their shop, on the green in-between two main roads, on the sidewalk...
Our place here is the Hostel "New Joe" just behind the backpacker hot-spot Khao San Rd. A place where people from all over the world come to relax, buy tickets to foreign destinations, hang around and try to be and look cool. German "Biedermann" turn into Eastman. Guess we'll have some nice shots tomorrow!
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
Salut, comment ca va? merci pour le hamster...super petit rongeur qui aime bien faire du bruit la nuit....bises
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 15:11
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
och ja bangkok....ich wär so gerne mit euch geflogen, shoppen und dann das gute thai-essen...*seufz* stattdessen muss ich einen langen essay über frauen in nazideutschland schreiben, frauen in kao sarn rd wären mir ehrllich gesagt lieber...
was great meeting u guys, enjoy your last globetrotter-days and c u back in germany,
all the best!
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:38
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
och ja bangkok....ich wär so gerne mit euch geflogen, shoppen und dann das gute thai-essen...*seufz* stattdessen muss ich einen langen essay über frauen in nazideutschland schreiben, frauen in kao sarn rd wären mir ehrllich gesagt lieber...
was great meeting u guys, enjoy your last globetrotter-days and c u back in germany,
all the best!
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:38
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
och ja bangkok....ich wär so gerne mit euch geflogen, shoppen und dann das gute thai-essen...*seufz* stattdessen muss ich einen langen essay über frauen in nazideutschland schreiben, frauen in kao sarn rd wären mir ehrllich gesagt lieber...
was great meeting u guys, enjoy your last globetrotter-days and c u back in germany,
all the best!
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:38
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
oh, i'm sorry...that wasn't planned. well i guess it reinforces the message in a way...;)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:39
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
oh, i'm sorry...that wasn't planned. well i guess it reinforces the message in a way...;)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:40
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
oh, i'm sorry...that wasn't planned. well i guess it reinforces the message in a way...;)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:40
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
oh, i'm sorry...that wasn't planned. well i guess it reinforces the message in a way...;)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:42
oh, i'm sorry...that wasn't planned. well i guess it reinforces the message in a way...;)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 19:42
Dim Sum
Habe in den vergangenen Tagen den geschmacklichen Unterschied zwischen Dim Sum in Stuttgart, München und Karlsruhe festgestellt - kleine Bastardisierung am Rande.
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 22:37
towards an European Taste?
Ach ja, werde in der kommenden Woche Schweinshaxe München, mit Schweinshaxe Tenerife vergleichen - wie ich Döner Baden-Baden mit Döner Berlin gegengeprüft habe. Soviel zum Essen ;-)
Posted by:
at 26.03.2005 22:40
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
be careful guys, my land can make u very crazy, i am not joking, good luck to all of u - Jang _
Posted by:
Patcharawadee Srijamnong
at 27.03.2005 15:55
try a massage
wohin entwickeln sich die Bastards? habt ihr schon gemeinsamkeiten der verschiedenen bastards an den diversen plätzen entdeckt. was sagen die bangkoker bastarde zur massage? und habt ihr selbst sie schon ausprobiert, damit ihr entscheiden könnt, ob euch die bastarde belogen haben? lauter fragen aus einem biedermännlichen europa. habt ihr von ostern was gemerkt? zum beispiel süße schokoeier bekommen?e
Posted by:
heidi und dirk
at 27.03.2005 22:04
hello again!
und, wie geht euer abenteuer voran? hoffe gut und wir werden bald bilder zu sehen bekommen!
(so hoffentlich schickt es das nun tatsächlich nur einmal...)
alles gude
Posted by:
at 27.03.2005 22:13
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
Danke an alle fuer dioe lieben comments.
bangkok ist ein schoenes kontrast-program zu allem was wir bisher gesehen haben. sehr viel mehr tourismus! aber gut fuer unser projekt, weil hier wirklich im warsten sinne des wortes ein haufen bastarde rumlaufen!
Posted by:
at 28.03.2005 14:12
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
Wo sind denn die Ester-Bastardbunnies??
Die werden uns doch vom Ernschtl unterschlagen.
Ich finde ja euch hatte noch ein Rucksack gefehlt, aber naja ;-)
Peter meinte er steht noch bei ihm in DF.. seufz. Irgendwann endet die Kuriertasche im Anthropologischen Museum.
Posted by:
at 28.03.2005 14:35
Re: Hong Kong - Bangkok
ach tinka ....
an extra ordinary girl
all the best
Posted by:
at 12.06.2005 14:55
The book
BY: Christian Ernst, Lars Harmsen,
André Rösler, Ulrich Weiss
AUTHORS: László Csiba, Radek Knapp,
Sudabeh Mohafez, José F.A. Oliver,
Selim Özdogan, Ilija Marinow Trojanow.
396 pages, full colour, hardcover
195 x 235 mm
CDR with 50 Fonts free for layout,
50 HighRes Pix, bonus music tracks
Price: 35 Euro
ISBN: 84-96540-15-4
If you are interested in supporting this international project, feel free to join us!
travel (44 items)
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ftkycxx fvmnbno
(jpjqxikihh: 04/07 09:29)
pruhdoj rjszcwl
(szigfkmcsb: 04/05 02:40)
gwqmgqn thbuibz
(phxijblarp: 04/02 20:53)
diyqfjm frtyrpu
(trwintdejj: 03/18 08:13)
iurwwtg yscdpku
(tcuxsgtcrm: 12/23 11:14)
eaxhtkp cyqdrzy
(sngwvywamn: 12/21 05:26)
gclzeds zkyjmzz
(sexfqekpre: 12/19 03:14)
(LizaDunn: 08/05 17:15)
(Jenifer26Blake: 08/05 17:14)
(Trish Membreno: 04/25 17:42)
The entire Actar team for believing in us, giving us hope, and having faith in our work. Special thanks to: Anna, Ramon,
Dolors – we love you! Thank you for believing in us! All the authors for giving this project depth: László Csiba,
Radek Knapp, Sudabeh Mohafez, José F.A. Oliver, Selim Özdogan, Ilija Marinow Trojanow. All the font-designers who
contributed: Peter Brugger, Stefan Claudius, Escobas, René Verkaart,Sirkka Hammer, Martina Hartmann, Sandra Hofacker,
Paul Hoppe, David Hubner, Boris Kahl, Matthias Kantereit, Ingo Krepinsky, Heinrich Lischka, Michel M., Thomas Mettendorf, Christoph Rankers, Dan Reynolds, Henry Roussier, Christoph Seiler. All the MAGMA team Sandra Augstein, Daniela Stulic, Sabine Reckwell, Susanne Schwarz, Monika Frondorf, Thomas Mettendorf, Christoph Seiler, Boris Kahl, Flo Gaertner: for helping us get this project up and running. Andreas “AL” Lehnert, for being mister music, always pushing the buttons. Andreas
Hirsch, Hirschreisen. Anna Tetas, Actar: you’ve done a great job! Benni Schmidt-Hansberg for linking us up with Peter in MXC, you rule, man! Boris Kahl, Magma for nice font designs and lots of love and patience with Lars and Uli. CHR15 for being strict, direct and severe. Corinne and Tom Barbereau love for letting us go. Tom, this book shows your future. Dee / for all sound specialist expertise. Diki Hertel for helping us in L.A. Diya Ajit for all the lovely e-mails and great design, next time we really must meet! Dr. Latex (p. 341): for opening up your home and
office to us and showing us your work. Escobas (p. 342): for being a wrestling fan, party man, font designer. Fakir/Javo
(p. 341) you rock! Great work, we love you and your friends! Thanx for linking us up to Complot! Frank W. Albers, Robert Bosch Stiftung for linking us up with the authors. Gunilla Zedigh for all fine translation work. Jakob (p. 370), Cyclos Mesanjeros Crazy Dansk Torero. John Wu (p. 360): VJ, designer, master of speed, Hong Kong will see us again because of you! Jörg Lesser, Reisebüro Lesser Mister 1000 volt-flight-checker. Thanks for organizing our trip! Jürgen Siebert, Fontshop for the wonderful portrait of your 10 year old daughter Marie Fischer, originaly digitalised by Kai Vermehr (2004, eBoy) – p. 162. Katrin Ernst, Gloria Ernst (p. 188) wife, mother, beloved, for letting us go. Kristina Stifter for having
faith in us, trusting in us for so many years. Thank you so much! Leica: support (Leica CM). Lutz Frischmann Freelens. Maria Palatini for proofreading the English. Marika Jox sun, light and fruit tea. Martin Wrede our man in Berlin. Martina Hartmann for your illustration p. 160. Stay tuned! Martina Weber for all your thoughts and constructive criticism. Matthias von der Ahe photo mac power! Michael Schmidt, Starshot for linking us up with Eastpak. Natalie Ouard, Emirate Airlines (p. 164) for opening up your home to us in Dubai. We loved your place! Great pool! Nobuhiro Sonoda next time you’ll be in Tokyo, we hope! Peter Kienzle for good connections & English. Peter Aagaard (p. 370), Cyclos Mesanjeros for helping us in Mexico City. PTV AG for supporting this project. Ralf Stockhoff pope of photobacks! Ramon Prat, Actar we love your books! Recep and Holger driving staff & airport-service. Fixie Inc rocks! Renko Heuer who knows everybody! Rieke
Harmsen, EPV for finding the authors for us, and having great ideas. Rüdiger John for writing theory, asking strange questions and making us argue. Sabine Weinbrecht, Lara & Lazlo Weiß wife, daughter and son: look at this great book! Sandra Looke for giving me a small Leica. Sigrid Frank-Eßlinger for reading, providing food for thought, lots of help and a fresh pair of eyes. Sigrid Ingenohl for linking us up with Andreas Hirsch. Yes, the world is out there! Stefan G. Bucher, (p. 353) for showing us the Pasadena Art College. We love your design (p. 175). Tanja, EastPak for providing us perfect Eastpak travel bags. Taro Hirano (p. 370) for showing us his small studio in Japan (f*** hard to find
you!). Thomas Mettendorf, Magma for the wonderful font Copy and many good ideas. Tinka Heeckt (p. 70, 359) crazy
power girl in Hong Kong. You and your friends are great (p. 371)! Top Ev. Berlin:Thank you! Will Matthews Toys and Towers.